Friday, October 15, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
"Then he would jack off"
- Danna Lilith Gaddy That last one was one of his favorite lines. He always asked me why I didn't think he was a real xian, but when I would tell him...he would say the exact same thing to me. Then he would jack off.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
We crack me up
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Memories, of the way they were: "Our Journey With Christ" Edition
Tom Finn Funny that Mr. Solomon has only read the first 4 books of the Bible so far?!?!
No.. just sad....
Tom Finn Good evening Mr. Solomon
I'm glad to see you still prowling the internet for atheist women!
Old habits die hard!
Neil Gough Good Morning David.
This unbeliever has taken you up on your kind offer to join.
I look forward to many productive discussions.
How are you holding up?
Sending many unsolicted penis photos to various women lately?
...Please continue sending them to those I know.
We all get such a laugh out of it.
Peter Goesenua Please David, stop sending pics of your penis to women on these pages. You must ask for forgiveness from your wife Amy and God. We are on to you.
Our Journey With Christ INVITE YOUR FRIENDS TO JOIN: (please see comment)
Our Journey With Christ This page will be a Christ-centered, Bible-based ministry to each other and to any unbeliever who may choose to join.
Our Journey With Christ It is impossible to follow anything without first leaving something behind: Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."
Matthew 6:24
The reply to Scott
Originally posted here showing David's reply to Scott's message.

Scott Rachui Here is my latest reply to David. And I'm not offering these in order to embarrass David or gossip. I just want you guys to all know that I'm just as upset about what he said as any of you are and to let you know that Christians do NOT accept or condone this type of behavior. I am so sorry for anyone's having to deal with madness like this.
- Scott RachuiMessage #1 from David:
Hi Scott. I totally understand. Just so you know, I have absolutely no anger issues. I sent that to Tommy desperate for them to leave me alone and I quickly apologized to him after sending it.
Message #2 from David:
I have removed you as admin and officer. If FB allowed me, I would close the group; unfortunately, as with pages, it does not. Also, I shut the group down because Laurie Ann expressed concerns to Duane because the atheists had become so vile. So, Duane told me that perhaps it should be shut down. So, I consulted you all and you all agreed. At your request, I first allowed you time to retrieve some of your discussions. As soon as you told me that you had retrieved them, I closed the group.
============================= See More
Message #3 from David:
Futhermore, you might be interested to know that I have never once in my life iniated a single physical fight with a single person ever in my life. Furthermore, I don't even own a 45 or any other firearm or weapon of desctruction. Further still, the few times that I have undergone firearm training, I failed so miserably that I didn't earn my ribbon. Believe me, I am not a violent person and have never been.
My response (only one...and it's probably one of the shortest things I've ever written!)
David, I understand that you can say anything today that you need to say in order to try and mitigate the words you used previously. But I've seen the screenshot of your comments and they were vile. There was nothing about them that sounded remotely like you were just trying to get someone to leave you alone. You said you were serious and you knew where Tommy lived, and even when Tommy said he'd show your comments to his wife in case he was killed, all you said was that he should definitely do that.
That's hardly the comment of someone who is only trying to get someone to leave them alone. I urge you to please seek help, David. Even if your comments were merely words and you had no intention behind them, the fact that you would use such comments is such that you have no business going into the ministry until your issues are thoroughly address and resolved.
we'll all be praying for you, David. But none of us can condone or associate with that sort of behavior. It's wrong on too many levels to even begin describing. - Tommy Garrett He only uses the ministry to gain control over others. DO NOT BELIEVE HIS LIES. He is more wicked than you can imagine.
- Tommy Garrett Do you like how he started out by saying "I have absolutely no anger issues." text book sociopath.
- Edward Shornock//I have removed you as admin and officer. If FB allowed me, I would close the group; unfortunately, as with pages, it does not. Also, I shut the group down because Laurie Ann expressed concerns to Duane because the atheists had become so vile.//
Heh....he lied right there.
I'd close it, but I can't.
Then..I closed PFAA because...haha.. - Stacey Marie So now do you want a cigar?
- Andrew SarginsonI obviously have not followed this like everyone else so was shocked when the ride ended. But David seemed ok to me and redefined the site more to my liking.......but above all i think we should all move on.
Like all good things, it must come to an end (not quite the devastation though, when as a youngling 'Hill Street Blues' ended) - Scott Rachui I don't smoke, but thanks. No, the only reason I'm making this public is because I don't want anyone on here to think that Christians accept or condone such statements as David made. I'd rather not have to be so public in my rebuke of him, but given that this is already quite public, I want everyone to know which side I stand on.
- Scott Rachui Ha! I'm glad I'm not the only one who was devastated when Hill Street Blues ended, Andrew! One of the best shows ever!
- Steve Longden Scott could you ask David if it was his wife that contacted me or was it a troll . I was quite sympathetic with her yet I don't wish to be like that if it's a troll or that fool Rick . Thanks
- Danna Gaddy//Also, I shut the group down because Laurie Ann expressed concerns to Duane because the atheists had become so vile. So, Duane told me that perhaps it should be shut down. So, I consulted you all and you all agreed.//
This posses me off even more. That wet fart got Laurie to tattle on the mean old Atheists...even though it was the goddamn crusty turds from that gay bashing protect marriage site who had become so vile. Oh god this makes me so mad!
You fucking xians were so dominated by emasculated...that you wanted that group shut down. How pathetic are god's warriors? - Diss Coe Bingo Edward! You picked up on the same thing I did!
- Edward ShornockI'm astonished that he lied to you RIGHT THERE, Scott. He can't even be truthful with YOU.
He said he CANNOT CLOSE IT because groups, like pages, cannot be closed. If he can't tell the truth about such a SIMPLE thing, with what can he be believed?
And WHY is he creating NEW PAGES?? - Neil Gough Scott, my estimation of you has increased immeasurably.
Well done and well said Sir.
As for closing the page after discussion and allowing us to save threads.
I missed that memo. - Neil Gough Ooooo new pages Ed? Link please.
- Scott Rachui When he asked me about shutting the site, I asked him to wait until I had the chance to grab one conversation. Then, I remembered I had it so i told him to go ahead. It wasn't handled well, but as Andrew says it's a done deal now.
- Neil Gough I agree it is a done deal but do you see the esential unfairness that only Xians were consulted and only Xians were given the chance to retrieve stuff?
- Neil Gough Thankyou Ed.
- Scott Rachui I was unfair. There should have been a general notice. In fact, someone should start a site called "Pray for an Atheist" now that it's available!
- Edward Shornock We already have one:
ges/Prey-for-an-Atheist/10 5815112784208 - Scott Rachui OK, so I did laugh at that when I got there. But it's likely not the type of site I'll frequent. Good luck with it, though! :-)
Monday, August 9, 2010
Message to DS
Note: Originally posted here

Scott Rachui Just sent this to David:
Update: There are replies.
Scott Rachui Just sent this to David:
David, I have to tell you that I just saw your comments to Tommy Garrett. I have to say that I'm horrified that you'd have said that and I have to wonder if that's why you suddenly shut down PFAA (to hide those comments). Please take me off your group as an admin. I want nothing further to do... with your groups until you seek serious counseling for the obvious anger that's within you. David, God loves you but you have no business going into the ministry with such obvious rage issues. I urge you to seek the counseling that you so obviously need.
- Scott Rachui I believe we should all pray for him and be there to support him, but I absolutely cannot be associated with someone when they're on such an obviously self-destructive path.
- Dan Epicurus He said those things after PFAA was shut down, first of all... Second of all, he'll probably just ask you why you're harassing him.
- Stacey Marie He needs inpatient therapy.
- Bryce Havens Where is Rob when we need him? This peter D-bag needs to be bounced.
- Tom Finn weird that the Navy considers DS' comments to Mr. Garrett as "Terrorist Acts"... ooops, guess DS is fucked
- Tommy Garrett At least Peter is going on DS other sites to "out" him. You may not like his motive but at least applaud the effort.
- Megan Hypatia Yeux pretty sly...
- Edward Shornock A little birdie told me about
ges/Our-Journey-With-Chris t/104476249609470?ref=nf
It's apparently another DS creation. - Bryce Havens He sure does have a lot of Christ related pages for being such a fraud.
- Diss Coe Grr someone on this thread blocked me:(
- PFAA Refugees maybe the posts that are missing belong to the troll I just banned...
- Diss Coe Maybe.
- Diss Coe I don't see any "me".... Lol:o)
- Yeshua Ben Pantera Mhhhh
- Diss Coe Tee hee.
Update: There are replies.
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Dude, does it really matter THIS much to you? That's a little concerning, to be honest.
Σιγμα Wright
Dude, does that fact that you're a liar matter to you?
Σιγμα Wright
...a compulsive liar at that
David Solomon
Coming from you? Nope. Because your opinion is inaccurate and unvalidated.