Laurie Ann Danna... I need to apologize to you. You were right. I just read that post David posted today and I can tell from what he said that it is him. I was part of the PM thread where Scott said he wanted to save some of his discussions content. I'm sorry. I'm extremely disappointed that David didn't get some help before... all this came out. If he has truly had multiple affairs -- he needs help. He should NOT be entering the ministry with this kind of problem. Again... I'm sorry, Danna. You were right... I was wrong.
- Edward Shornock ...and THIS is why he flipped out and banned my ass.
- Stephon Walker Kudos, Laurie Ann, for looking at the evidence, correcting your mistake, and admitting it.
- Laurie Ann I don't find any pleasure in this. People are getting hurt. If he doesn't get serious help... MORE people will get hurt. It doesn't go away on its own. This is a big issue... and he needs to pull out of the ministry until he gets help. Anyway. I just don't have anything else to say. I'm just very disappointed.
- Danna Gaddy just brought me to tears...not because I value your opinion of me...but because it must have hurt you to realize that David really is capable of all of this. THAT sucks.
- Edward Shornock Again, thank you for your honesty.
I don't want anyone getting hurt ESPECIALLY those that are on the receiving end of his "abuse." - Missy Vedder Thanks for being straight about this, Laurie.
- Neil Gough Well done Laurie. Everyone gets things wrong. The sign of a good person is when thay can admit it and say sorry.
- Laurie AnnThanks Danna.... like I said... nothing shocks me - but it does disappoint me. I was a Chat room moderator for a large Christian ministry and I absolutely saw it all. There is NOTHING that shocks me. However... I STILL believe in the goodness of people and that for the most part people try to do the right thing. And so it is terribly disappointing to see that David would put his family at risk like that. And that he would hurt the testimony of so many Christians in a room of unbelievers. It just gives people one more reason not to believe. And because he should NOT be entering the ministry until he gets this dealt with. I can guarantee you it will happen again if he doesn't. People get hurt through this. It's not just fun and games and sex. There's his wife and his kids and the other women. This is not a little thing. It's just very sad to me.
- PFAA Refugees @Laurie;
I think David sees his entering into ministry as a way of getting away from this.
It absolutely doesn't work like that - he needs to fix his addiction first. - Laurie Ann Exactly Rob, it truly does NOT work like that. First things first. You fix a problem before add new challenges. I can guarantee you it will happen again if he doesn't.
- Diss Coe And this is why I think you are amazing Laurie!
- Laurie Ann Nah, Diss.. this has ZERO to do with me. Nothing. This is about his kids... and the women he's hurting and the damage he's doing to the name of Christ in front of unbelievers. It makes me sick.
- Stacey Marie Good girl laurie.
- Danna Gaddy Laurie this has nothing to do with what he is doing in front of nonbelievers and everything to do with what he is doing before god. He need not worry about us it is god that he will have to answer to in the end...right?
- PFAA Refugees it has nothing to do with what he is doing in front of anyone or anyhting.
If he's man enough to be a father, he should be man enough to be a dad.
That means setting an example. - Laurie AnnDanna....he does have to answer to God. Yes. And, I have come to understand men in this situation quite well,, and I am sure he suffers greatly when alone. This has a way of eating away at a person from the inside. But this is David's battle. He's got to be the one to take the steps to fight it. What I'm concerned most about are the people in his path. His kids.... his wife.... the women he's affecting... people he's trying to minister to -- and then completely wipes out not only his own credibility but the credibility of other Believers.
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