Rick Britney Another refugee here. There are two sides to every story. For mine, please see comment:
- Yvonne St Cyr Troll!
- Dan Epicurus *Looks at comment*
Oh! That is certainly an interesting side to this story. Thanks for informing us, Rickney. - Stacey Marie LAME TROLL.
- Rick BritneyI refuse to self-incriminate. I think that should be understandable to most. I will say, however, that I am suseceptible to humans desires just as anyone else is. Regrettably, I fell victim to those desires and I take full responsibility.... No one else on earth is responsible for the things that I choose to do other than myself. However, I want to make a few things clear:
1) I did not pursue Danna. Yes, I had many conversations with her via PM regarding Christianity. However, it was she who made the first sexual advancement. She proclaimed to be an "exhibitionist". Again, I take full responsibility for my own choosings, but I want to be clear that I didn't initiate and I certainly didn't stalk nor harrass.
2) All of the sick accusations against me regarding males, underage girls, etc are absolutely false. Also, all of the accusations against me stating that I have harrassed or forced myself onto anyone or solicited pics to any unexpecting party is absolutely false.
3) The judgemental nature of some of you is repulsive. One of you is a professed meth addict, with children, yet has the gall to judge me as a parent? Another of you professes to dreams of smashing his/her car into the side of a tunnel has soon as her daughter graduates high school, yet this person has the gall to judge me as a parent? Spend more time looking at yourselves.
4) Also, Danna is talking a lot of smack about my wife that is absolutely untrue. Yes, I have done a lot of wrong in my marriage for which I am fully responsible. However, my wife and I have made the decision to work through all of our problems and for that I am extremely grateful. I am still incredibly in love with my wife and I am profusely thankful for her grace and forgiveness and I look forward to a long life with her and our two beautiful boys. - Ian Jeffers You're supposed to be David? Suuuure buddy. I believe you!
- Edward EqualityNow Davis Wait, are you trying to tell us that David Solomon is Rick/Britney/Neil and so on and so on?
- Rick Britney Ian, I refuse to self-incriminate. Take it or leave it.
- Dan Epicurus You don't make a very good case if you come here as a faceless, private profile, troll personality. :/
- Rick BritneyOh, and more to the story: Laurie Ann's account yesterday is correct. She contacted one of the PFAA owners and voiced the concern that Christians held regarding some of the content on PFAA. That particular PFAA owner then passed those concerns along to me and said that we may like to consider closing the page. So, I talked with a few folks and the decision was made. Initially, I posted a close date "on or before 8/13" with "OR BEFORE" being the key phrase that so many overlooked. Basically, I was awaiting Scott (at his request) to remove some elaborate discussion pieces that he had posted so that he wouldn't have to "reinvent the wheel" in his future discussions. As soon as he removed his stuff, I closed the group. So, the quick closing of the group had absolutely nothing to do with any scandalous anything.
- Stacey Marie Nice try hypocrit. But no forgiveness or understanding from me. Practice what you preach fundietard.
- Laurie Cline Sure buddy...it was all just a coincidence.
- Diss Coe Omg! Someone told me they thought David was Rickney!
- Rick Britney Stacey, I didn't come here seeking your forgiveness or understanding, so no loss here. I simply needed to voice my side. Nothing more, nothing less.
- Ian Jeffers but you don't deny the death threats, just the penis pictures? ok...
- Diss Coe So you also have been using a troll account on the old pfaa to threaten people? Was that you? Wow! Truly sick!
- Rick Britney Diss, nope, those trolls weren't me. I banned them both, Rick multiple times.
- Ian Jeffers Why do you feel the need to "confess" or express your side? You are lower than dirt to most people... You get that right?
- Laurie Cline Post a pic of your genitalia so we can compare. That's the only way we'll believe that Rick Britney = DS.
- Rick Britney Is this the best you all can come up with? I suppose the "evidence" really IS speaking for itself...
- Danna GaddyBwaaaahahahahahahah! David...I say that stuff to everyone...YOU took it to the next level.
I have not made one statement that is untrue about Amy. YOU told me that you have had 12 affairs and that she knew of at least one. The fact that she ...is a lard ass is evident to anyone who has ever seen her. YOU told me that you weren't in love with her and you are only with her for the boys.
Nice try asshole. I will ask you one more time...why didn't you just give us the page? You could have prevented all of this! - Laurie Cline This shit is better than a soap opera. Forgive my amusement.
- Rick Britney Danna, are you really that much of a control freak? Like I always said, IT WAS NOT MY PAGE TO GIVE. Period.
- Laurie Cline Rick Britney, you are supposedly an adult, capable of making your own decisions. Unfortunately the decisions you have made are now biting you in the ass. You reap what you sow.
- Diss Coe :( I actually liked David. This is unbelievable.
- Rick Britney Danna, let's see all of this evidence that you claim to have...
- Danna Gaddy Is that all that you have to say to me David? By the way...I miss you. Please send me more pics.
- Diss Coe We aren't the ones preaching the gospel David! You are!
- Rick Britney C'mon Danna, really incriminate me by displaying the evidence you claim to have. After all, this whole windstorm rests on YOUR alleged evidence. So, let's see it Danna...
- Rick Britney Diss, I haven't yet held any official position in any church or organization. Any mistakes I have made have taught me valuable lessons, lessons that I will take with me always before I officially enter into ministry.
- Danna Gaddy You know I delete all of that shit as soon as you send it to me. I would give my right arm to have it back right now though. Regardless, I sure threw a fucking monkey wrench into your little game didn't I?
- Laurie Cline Oh shit, this nutjob is entering into the ministry???
- Rick Britney Ahhh...ladies and gentlemen of the jury...HAVE WE HEARD THE WORDS OF THE PROSECUTION? Are you kidding me? You are the poster child of atheism, Danna, because you are terrible with "evidence"! Also, your boy Tommy just went down with you because he claimed to have "seen" the alleged evidence.
- Megan Van Berkum-Wissmueller Rick Britney/David - if you weren't the phyco "cunt" every other word Rick/Britney/etc. who before posted threats on the PFAA page, then why the hell would you choose the name Rick Britney to come forward now? You are one sick puppy, aren't you? I hope you never become a minister. You should not be trusted around children.
- Laurie Cline I'm in the mood for some microphallus action...
- Danna GaddyDavid...how can you say what you said in your opening confession and then turn around and demand evidence? YOU JUST ADMITTED TO IT DUMB ASS!
//I will say, however, that I am suseceptible to humans desires just as anyone else is. Regrettably,... I fell victim to those desires and I take full responsibility.... No one else on earth is responsible for the things that I choose to do other than myself// - Rick Britney Thank you for posting that, Ed. Also, please post the convo that Tommy posted here yesterday admitting my apology to him. Thanks!
- Megan Van Berkum-Wissmueller And then, you lie about it. Not to mention the fact that it seems every time you 'blocked' Rick/Britney you were also lying. Are you a compulsive liar? And we should believe you now? lol You really are a complete idiot, aren't you? You just further incriminated yourself, moron.
- Rick Britney Danna, I didn't tie you to my comments. Take a closer look at my post. Again, all of this windstorm rests on YOUR alleged evidence, of which you have NONE.
- Danna Gaddy No one but Amy would be stupid enough to accept your apology.
- Rick Britney Why isn't anyone slamming Danna for not having the evidence that she claimed to have? Why is no one slamming Tommy? I know why? Because for atheists, it's never about what's right or what's wrong. No, for atheists it's always about attacking the Christians even if it makes the atheists look like complete and utter fools.
- Laurie Cline Threatening to shoot someone and claiming to know where they live...yeah, that's very Christian-like of you. Looks like pretty solid evidence to me.
- Diss Coe I hate the internet.
- Danna Gaddy //Danna, I didn't tie you to my comments.//
Wow, because you didn't mention my name in your confession, you think that lets you off of the hook? You really are a very fucked up person David. - Edward ShornockI couldn't give a fuck less about your hypocritical ass spanking it like a fiend to pictures of Danna.
You threatened someone with physical harm. That's some serious shit right there. Why the fuck is it that *I* have NOT ONCE felt the need to fuck around behind my wife's back like you allegedly have? Why the fuck have I never threatened to shove a .45 down someone's throat?
You are a pathetic piece of shit - Rick Britney Hey, I'm not the one dreaming of driving into the side of a tunnel when my child graduates.
- Danna Gaddylol...Dan just sent me a link to a program that can recover deleted data. Let's see what we have here. Remember David...you sent 2 pics to my computer. The ones that pissed me off b/c you sent me the same two pics a week or so earlier? Remember? Do you remember the little fight we got into about it? I wanted proof that you were sending me a pic that was taken just for me so you printed that pic of me in my swimsuit off and jacked off on it? Remember? Yeah...that day. If I can recover them I will give everyone all of the evidence that they can stomach.
- Megan Van Berkum-WissmuellerThis started before Danna, Rick/Britney/cunt/David. Warnings about you have been showing up for awhile now. I haven't seen anything I would constitute as 'proof' of your tiny dick yet from anyone besides your death threat to Tommy, but according to people that I do have reason to trust, it's out there, and it's coming (sorry about the pun). Looking forward to it. In the meantime, you've shown us through your own actions that you are a self-righteous, delusional wack-job (again, sorry about the pun) liar who is not to be trusted, and who's very presence in our Navy Reserves is an embarrassing shame!
- Rick Britney Edward, your boy Ian has threatened violence on me many times. Is he also a piece???? Huh, Ed???
- Stacey Marie You are not sorry for your behavior. You are sorry you got caught. Typical evangelical behavior. Wasnt it you that said we have no morals? HA! You are just yet another example of the delusion and mind virus that is christianity. Thanks for reminding me that im on the right track.
- Edward ShornockIf you didn't delete them that long ago:
If you use Windows, you can get Cofee which could potentially recover them.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cofee (I have a copy if you need it) - Danna Gaddy David...funny...out of all that we have been through, that suicide threat is the only thing that you have ever been able to throw back in my face. For the record, I said I would do it when she is grown and has a family of her own to support her emotional needs. I have never made my intentions of committing suicide a secret. You simply can not get enough abuse can you? I know how you work David. Your dick is hard as a rock right now.
- Calum Ferguson This is priceless - someone should save this guys crap before he deletes them again.
David / Britiany / Rick - whatever his name is - no one believes him. Quite simply he is a liar ... - Edward Shornock It's been taken care of Calum. :)
- Danna Gaddy I'm loggong off to do a recovery of my pc now. Lets keep our fingers crossed.
- Rick Britney Thanks Ed. I think I'll use that tool too...
- Rick Britney Ed, make sure you screen shot everything that Rick Britney has said. ;)
- Rick Britney I think you'll know how trustworthy those people are, Meagan or Heleb or whoever you are, when they're "evidence" never comes forth...
- Megan Van Berkum-WissmuellerDavid, you must be just dumb. You see, non of us care if Danna is having sex chat with people online. She isn't the one trained with a gun making death threats against people. She isn't the one opening Christian/Atheist groups so she can... prey on females with pictures of her genitals. She isn't the one cheating on her spouse and allegedly sex-stalking people while claiming some sort of moral authority. She isn't the one trying to become a minister who will have the blind trust of the religious community. Need I go on, or is it finally starting to sink in?See more
- Megan Van Berkum-Wissmueller It's spelled "Megan". And who the hell is Heleb? Yeah, I believe Danna. I think she's been very forthcoming despite her own personal embarrassment.
- Rick Britney Megan, I don't care what you or anyone else thinks about Danna. Furthermore, I certainly couldn't care less what you think.
- Megan Van Berkum-Wissmueller You don't care? Then why the heck are you here trying to cover your ass?
- Missy Vedder//Hey, I'm not the one dreaming of driving into the side of a tunnel when my child graduates.//
Fuck you! That is nothing like what you did. it would hurt her family, but at least it would be HONEST. Who are YOU to judge her for being in pain, while you lie, lie, lie. - Rick Britney Wow, Missy/Rene. You are really sick.
- Edward Shornock You're mocking someone that obviously suffers from depression. If this is the love that Jebus gives you...
- Calum Ferguson Good question Megan - when he starts preaching, we can send all this to his "flock" - see how he explains it away to them ...
- Edward ShornockWhile we wait for more evidence, here's something to tide people over for awhile.
Danna Gaddy
David contacted me privately about two weeks before taking over the PFAA group and started talking my language. Totally shocked the shit out of me. ...But, I cannot deny a fundie some good old sex talk so we began a sordid affair ......(e-affair). He is in sex therapy now. He has had 12 physical affairs on his wife. I swore I would never expose him. I wouldn't have if he had kept the group going.
The reason he came out as the group admin is b/c I outed him about fucking me over when I broke down and prayed. He was afraid I would tell everyone his secret then...THAT is why he blocked me. The only way he agreed to let me back was a solemn vow not to expose him.
I got a warning from another member that he stalked other women.
Danna Gaddy
Every time I got close to exposing him as the depraved hypocirte that he is he freaked out. This was his last freak out. I saved it. I wish I had saved the filthy stuff...I never wanted to use it against him so I deleted all of it.
David Solomon
(no subject) I don't fear you. I resent you. There is nothing that you can do to me that...
4 minutes ago
David Solomon
(no subject) I am driving down to see you this weekend.
8 hours ago
David Solomon
(no subject) You're a funny girl.
8 hours ago
David Solomon July 14 at 11:37pm Report
Please tell me what you want me to do to avoid being attacked by you. If you want to to quit PFAA, I'll do it. You call it. I just can't take it anymore.
Danna Gaddy July 14 at 11:40pm
Just stop trying to contact me privately. That is all that I ask. I have gotten messages from another member asking me questions about you...warning me that you are a sexual predator...telling me that women are complaining about you stalking them. I have kept my word to you and kept quiet. Just leave me alone.
David Solomon July 14 at 11:42pm Report
Yes, I know who's contacting you.
And I'll quit contacting you privately if you'll stop attacking me or calling me out on the boards. I'm sure you haven't noticed, but I already unfriended you. I want nothing to do with this anymore. Do we have a deal?
Danna Gaddy July 14 at 11:47pm
No, I hadn't noticed...I haven't noticed shit about you except that you keep on keeping on with this shit and then turn around and act like I am stalking you.
I told you that I will not be silenced. I will treat you the same way that I treat every other xtian on that page.
My suggestion to you...don't shit where you eat. Stop e-fucking women on your goddamn pages and you won't have problems.
I case you hadn't noticed, I haven't given David Solomon a second thought since you told me that I was a jerk. I stopped talking to you way before you were done with me. I haven't wanted anything more to do with this since I stopped talking to you.
David Solomon July 14 at 11:49pm Report
That's odd, because you call me out by name more than any other poster on the board. It's sickening. Lay off of me.
Danna Gaddy July 14 at 11:50pm
Fuck off
David Solomon July 14 at 11:50pm Report
And if you continue to air personal crap about us on the boards, I friggin' ban you!!!!!!!!!!!! - Megan Van Berkum-Wissmueller David goes for the lowest common denominator and attacks Danna for suicidal thoughts. As if telling us Danna is/has been in pain is going to make all the stuff about David magically mist away into the sunset. Typical Xian straw-man, and a cruel one at that. You have no moral standard, you loser.
- Edward Shornock I don't like that, obviously, but I absolutely agree.
- Chad Campbell I'm waiting for David the perv to come out with his crying crocodile tears video. I thought that was standard procedure when hypocrite fundies get busted doing the things they say send others to hell.
- Rick Britney Megan, you know not that of which you speak. You are someone I would certainly never entrust my children to.
- Missy Vedder Of course not, because you don't trust any atheist, which is vile. We trust many Xians, but not you.
- Megan Van Berkum-Wissmueller Hahaha! Now, THAT's funny, David. Go fuck a piece of paper.
- Calum Ferguson//Rick Britney Wow, Missy/Rene. You are really sick.//
hahahahahahahaha - this coming from a person who threatens people with violence, sends pics of your cock out, have multiple trolling accounts, abuse people ...
oh yeah - there the sick ...ones ... - Calum Ferguson hey - rick / britany - are you going to tell your kids about your stunning behaviour on facebook? have you sent them some of your posts to read? i'm sure they would see it as a positive life experience .... of how not to behave
- Megan Van Berkum-Wissmueller David, you probably shouldn't trust me around your kids. I'm liable to tell them the truth.
- Danna GaddyDavid didn't pull that out here just to try and use it against me...he used it all of the time in our private arguments. He uses it b/c he knows it is a sensetive subject for me to talk about, but it is what it is. As long as I am being honest about suicide, I am safe. Its when I stop being honest about it that I am unsafe. Eh...fuck him.
Well guys...I can't get anything back by just doing a restore on my pc. I never saved anything TO my pc. I deleted anything graphic pretty much as soon as I got it. I have one pm that I didn't delete that refers to a pic, but I don't think it was in reference to a dick pic so I won't try and use it against him. 90% of our fling took place on cell phones and not the pc. SORRY! - Tanner ParkinsonDavid is a stupid moron. End of story. His future could be screwed, if this is taken farther. Teehee, God definitely saved HIM!
Oh, just desserts.
Even if there were no pictures (I'm inclined to beleive the atheists, compared to David's track record of idiocy), he had no justifiable right to dispose of PFAA. Really, Rickney, you should think before you act. - Rick Britney Thanks for the "evidence" Danna. My work here is done.
- Calum Ferguson david - don't u get it - no one believes a word u say ... can u imagine y?
- Rick Britney Oh, and you might want to tell Tommy that you just made him look like a complete fool.
- Missy Vedder Why would a perve like him want to go into the "ministry," do you suppose? Sounds like an easy life, easy work, good sex trolling.
- Megan Van Berkum-Wissmueller Danna, I've heard from a few people now that there is other evidence on it's way. Apparently there's even a guy out there who's been watching David for over a year now. I can't know for sure whether or not they are going to come forward with it, but I sure hope so. Keep checkin' back, Davey!! In the meantime, go smoke a cock!
- Calum Ferguson easy access to vunerable people? sounds like it to me ...
- Rick Britney I haven't even had a FB account for over a year. Funny.
- Megan Van Berkum-Wissmueller No one ever said he'd only been watching you on FB. Funny. And, you expect us to believe you anyway? Funny.
- Missy Vedder Isn't there any kind of prequalifying psych exam to pass before being allowed to preach, or "minister"? There should be.
- Rick Britney FB is the only public forum I've ever been on.
- Missy Vedder Maybe it only seemed like over a year because it was tiresome. I'm sure he'll get the timing straight when he looks at dates.
- Danna Gaddy David...you have given us all of the evidence we need. lol.
- Rick Britney Sure, Missy. I believe you.
- Rick Britney Who's David? I'm Rickney. Later.
- Megan Van Berkum-Wissmueller Did anyone claim it was from a public forum? Funny. David, you've got to be one of the stupidest most presumptuous people on the planet.
Epic win
ReplyDeleteSo, trash-talking Danna is some sort of justification? or defense? I would care about your thoughts if I weren't aware of other women who've made almost EXACTLY the same kinds of accusations - the friending, the stalking, the inappropriate language (to married females,) the confessions of NUMEROUS marital infidelities, the emailed pictures of genitalia.
ReplyDeleteI honestly don't care about these behaviors, per se, but don't try using Ad Hominem attacks as a way to defend yourself.
I'm sending all this info to:Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary president Daniel Akin http://www.sebts.edu/ they should be aware of the type of people they're admitting these days
ReplyDeleteThanks Chuck.
ReplyDeletethis is completely sad for everyone involved in this.
ReplyDeleteSomeone was LITERALLY asking for pictures of someone's genitals, got them, and is now complaining.
A christian who is an obvious hypocrite feels pressured to justify his actions is making a fool of himself in the process.
And then there's everyone else who has there pants around their ankles, masturbating to the train wreck.
Stay classy folks!