Monday, August 9, 2010

LA comes to his rescue

Laurie Ann

Laurie Ann Are you guys still talking about David? Sheesh! Leave the guy alone. Really... be totally honest... everyone knows Danna is not the most stable person around.... she admits it herself. She also admits she is NOT a good person. If you put those two together... can you REALLY believe what she says? Would any of you... men who are married -- risk your reputation and marriage... and CHILDREN.. on someone who is not stable? Would you seriously send nude photos of yourself jacking off to that person from your own FB account? Wouldn't you at least create a dummy account? It just does NOT make logical sense.

And... as I said.. I could PROVE the reason they shut the page down was because of a conversation I had with one of the owners. It has ZERO to do with David. Nothing. They asked for his input AFTER I had that conversation. The PFAA wasn't David's page. It was Moody's.

    • Dan Epicurus Laurie, if anything, that's a testament to her honesty.

    • Diss Coe Laurie, go to Edward Shornocks post from easier. David came here as Ricky Britney and admitted what he's done. Then he deleted the post but not before Edward snagged it.

    • Danna Gaddy
      Thank you for all of that Laurie. Your insight is always so refreshing and honest. This all got started back up b/c David came on here and started it back up. Go bitch at him. If you don't want to see us ass raping your man...don't come her...e.

      He sent the jack off photos from his cell phone. PAY ATTENTION!

    • Laurie Ann Diss.... why would he do that? Really. Why? That could be ANYONE!!! Remember when someone took my profile? You were there. It wasn't me... but looked like my profile

    • Dan Epicurus He said things that only he and Danna knew, Laurie.

    • Laurie Ann Dan... what's a testament to her honesty?

    • Dan Epicurus ‎"she admits it herself"

      That ^

    • Diss Coe Laurie he knew things only David knows.

    • Danna Gaddy I reposted this for you Laurie. You have most people blocked so they can't see it.

    • Denise Roberts Laurie Ann!!!

    • Laurie Ann
      I don't know David. I can't say whether or not he'd do something like that or not. I was a moderator for a large Christian chat room for several years... believe me.. NOTHING would shock me... I've seen it all. however... I DO know that ...Danna isn't reliable, stable and she doesn't care who she hurts. I wouldn't trust what she says. That's not saying he's not capable of doing something... but I wouldn't trust the source... and I don't think most men would be that stupid to send photos like that from their personal account.

    • Denise Roberts I trust Edward Shernock as far as I can throw him and the same goes for Ian..

    • Dan Epicurus
      Occum's razor.

      If David is out of his mind, then mostly likely, he is the source of this madness.

      Laurie, he threatened someone with a 45. He threatened to kill. That much has been PROVED.
      It's not likely that they're both simultaneously responsible for this madness.

    • Laurie Ann Danna... I have no one blocked

    • Laurie Ann Dan... Ian came in here and threatened to find all the Christian women.. rape them and put a bullet through their heads... he received abotu 10% this much attention because of it. Why all of a sudden is everyone going crazy about David and the 45. Where was everyone's concern when the Christians were being threatened with violence?


    • Tim Carroll
      The fact that Danna freely admits her own humanity is a testimony in iteself. Even if Danna were an outright prostitute, I would think her word worth more than some holier-than-thou christian's. I almost ALWAYS think christians are liars. Y...our words here, Laurie - "everyone knows Danna is not the most stable person around" - demonstrates your own lack of credibility to m, for several reasons. 1) Danna is NOT the first to make these claims about David, and she does not actually know (unless she recently learned) who the others were; 2) You are presuming to speak for everyone which is something you patently cannot do; and, 3) you are defending someone who has publicly admitted his wrong doing by using Ad Hominem tactics, the worst sort of argument left to people who have none other.
      My suggestion to you, Laurie Ann, is that you re-think your position here.

    • Laurie Ann I am NOT defending David - I'm saying don't be so quick to judge. The source is very questionable. I don't know how Danna can sleep at night knowing she's lying like this. This is just a big game to her.

    • Denise Roberts I believe that about Ian,he has serious issues and I remember hearing about how he went nuts..

    • Missy Vedder Okay, so it's all settled now? You can see the shot of where he admitted it, Laurie and Denise, so you can now let us discuss it until we are finished. Thanks.

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